Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Its Raining Men: Your Safety Tips for this Rainy Season

Its rainy season again in the Philippines and of course it is landslide and flash floods season again. I’ve been living in Metro Manila for the past 5 years and every rainy season kicks it is always a disaster. I am soaking wet every time I reach the office.

So here are my simple safety tips:

1.       Weather is so unpredictable so I advise to always bring UMBRELLA. Have a folding type of umbrella and just place them on your working bag so you won’t forget it.
2.       Brown out is also rampant so it is always best to store lots of food that will not be easily spoiled. It is also advisable to have a good amount of canned goods and cookies so you’ll have something to munch when there’s long brownout that may happen because of typhoons.
3.       Flu is also rampant so it is advisable to consider an Anti Flu Shot.
4.       Clean your gutter so rain water would not stuck up in your gutter and it may cause a laying ground for dengue mosquito.
5.       Always do an annual check on your roof.
6.        Buy Insect Repellent.
7.       When it is raining, be considerate and do not drive on high speed. Safety first.
8.       Choose appropriate foot wear.
9.       Prepare Emergency Supply Kit (flashlights, transistor radio and extra batteries)
10.    Always make sure to charge your cell phones.
11.   Make sure that the lists of emergency numbers are visible.
12.   Check your FIRST AIDE KIT and make sure you have everything in there.
13.   During strong rains or typhoon, as much as possible stay inside the house.
14.   Monitor the weather reports via Radio and TV. If you have internet access always check PAG-ASA website as well for any development.
15.   Prepare your evacuation plan in case you would need it. Always discuss this with your family members so everyone is on the same page. As much as possible your evacuation plans should have maps or prime spots where everyone is aware.

As the rainy season progresses in the Philippines Water Borne Diseases picks up as well including Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever or Dengue Fever and Leptospirosis. Cleanliness is the only way to combat these illnesses. Clean your surroundings.

The best time to travel in the Philippines is from January to May. It is not advisable to travel in the Philippines during the rainy season though hotel accommodation and airfare is cheaper on these months.

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