Showing posts with label acquisition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label acquisition. Show all posts

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Acquiring or Acquired

Is your company you are working for being Acquired or is it Acquiring?

In a corporate world, employee normally hear about the word "ACQUIRE" and normally people panic. They panic about many things like what is it for me? Am I loosing my job? Will I still enjoy the benefits I am enjoying by my current company? etc

For me, it is a usual corporate set up. I should say its part of their game to buy and sell part or the whole company itself. But what about for people working for the company.

We can talk here about the technicalities of the merger and acquisition process. However though I wanted to share some of my insights about the said topic.

  1. Should I worry about my job stability? My answer would be "NO" not unless you smell something fishy. Depending on the reason of the buying company. Its either they are buying because they are venturing on that part of the business. If this is the case then an employee shouldn't be worrying.What if the company already has an existing same business as the one you are working for? Still my answer is no. An employee shouldn't be worrying because the possible reason for buying it maybe for expansion. If by any chance there is redundancy in the working environment then the company could either pay you a severans package or transfer you to a different department.
  2. Benefits: there is no way they are removing your benefits. Benefits are required by law so the acquiring company will still provide those benefit. They can't also decrease your salary not unless you agree.
  3. One more thing to consider, a company is not going to sell the whole or part of the company if it is not performing in the market. Say for example... in a company whose main product is beer but their soda product is performing really well. Of course the company will sell the soda brand to re-invent their beer and or more focused on beer to keep it on the track.
So if I am on someone else's shoe who knew that their company they are working for is being acquired:

  • I will talk to my first and second level manager. I am sure they are willing to shed more information because it will affect them as well. Get their insight and weigh things out yourself.
  • In decision making whether you jump off the edge of the bridge make sure you made your homework. Don't rush your decision making get as much information as you can. Don't make decision until you would know who is buying your company.
  • Expect changes and you should be open to changes. It is hard but you should be optimistic and positive about changes. Your positivity about the changes will free you from the day to day stress and over thinking about the acquisition. Don't invite negativity. Negativity and being close to changes is a key ingredients of you being burnt out and eventually leaving the company you are working for.

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